At A Mindful Way Counseling, liberation-psychotherapy based private practice I founded in 2014, we provide culturally competent cutting edge care to the state of California virtually! We have therapists specializing in intuitive therapy, brainspotting, DBT, and couple’s counseling and we provide soul, mind, and body-based wellness for the culture!
I also provide consultation and coaching to therapists struggling with authenticity, and education on cultural competency and can be booked to speak on various topics related to mental health and healing. Visit the website to see a full list of services and book a session with me or someone on our team!
I’ve been a storyteller my whole life. It’s how I’ve always made sense of the world.
Read about my black messy mindful life as a psychotherapist and healer, writer, and artist shifting from surviving to thriving in this new age of deeper awareness.
We aren’t just put here on this Earth to survive. I believe the goal is to THRIVE! But, thriving is not easy, it can be very messy! The journey of living mindfully as a black person in America is challenging but full of magic. Join Marilyn Julia, LMFT, a licensed mental health professional/ holistic energy healer/ and storyteller as she and her guests discuss holistic wellness, black culture and media sharing an offering of inspiring, humorous, and raw stories of the black messy mindful journey, for the CULTURE!
Who is Marilyn Julia?
Marilyn Julia, MA., LMFT,RYT200, is know as the soul, mind, and body therapist! She is a storyteller and healer using her talents for writing, music and speaking to cultivate spaces for healing and wellness in her clients and her broader community.
In her work as a licensed psychotherapist, yoga teacher, and reiki master, Marilyn guides you in accessing your own place of inner peace, wisdom, and courage to face life's challenges and make the necessary changes to create the life you want to live! You aren’t put here just to survive! Let me help you experience how wonderful it is to thrive!
— Maya Angelou
Work with me at A Mindful Way
virtually serving all of California!